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Therefore, the net count rate is r n = 142.6 - 28.5 = 114 cpm. The standard deviation
can be found from either of the expressions in (11.51). Using the first (which does
not depend on the calculated values, r g and r b ), we find
(10 min) 2 +
(90 min) 2 =
3.82 min -1
σ nr =
3.82 cpm.
(b) Since the counter efficiency is
0.28, the inferred activity of the sample is
(114 min -1 )/0.28
6.78 Bq. The standard deviation of the
activity is σ nr / = (3.82 min -1 )/0.28 = 13.6 dpm = 0.227 Bq.
(c) A 5% uncertainty in the net count rate is 0.05 r n =
= r n /
407 dpm
5.70 cpm. For
the true net count rate to be within this range of the mean at the 95% confidence
level means that 5.70 cpm
2.91 cpm. Using the
second expression in (11.51) with the background rate as before (since we do not yet
know the new value of n g ), we write
σ nr (Table 11.2), or that
σ nr =
142.6 min -1
t g
+ 28.5 min -1
90 min
2.91 min -1
σ nr =
Solving, we find that t g =
17.5 min.
(d) Yes. The relative uncertainties remain the same and scale according to the effi-
ciency. If the efficiency were larger and the counting times remained the same, then
a larger number of counts and less statistical uncertainty would result.
Optimum Counting Times
If the total time T
t g + t b for making the gross and background counts is fixed,
one can partition the individual times t g and t b in a certain way to minimize the
standard deviation of the net count rate. To find this partitioning, we can write the
second equality in (11. 51) as a function of either time variable alone and minimize
it by differentiation. 4) Substituting T - t g for t b and minimizing the mathematical
expression for the variance , rather than the standard deviation (simpler than deal-
ing with the square root), we write
r g
t g +
d t g σ
d t g
r b
T - t g
It follows that
- r g
r b
( T - t g ) 2 =
t g +
- r g
t g
+ r b
t b =
4 Alternatively, the function
f ( t g , t b )
solving the two equations,
f /
t g =
( t g + t b ), involving the
Lagrange multiplier λ , can be minimized by
nr -
f /
t b =
0. Equation (11.57) results.
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