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falls into, and the second level concerns the
location of the element within the block.
The chunking process is equivalent to the
block partitioning method used for matri-
ces. For extremely large multidimensional
arrays, a B+ tree storage scheme can be
used for the first level chunk organization.
The accessing of array elements in multi
levels is also used in EKMR (Chun et, al;,
2003) scheme when the number of dimen-
sion is more than four. Kaser & Daniel,
(2003) and Owen (2002) determine some
ways to store data cubes using different
coding for dense regions than for sparse
ones. A single dense sub-cube is found and
the remainder is considered sparse.
Compressed implementation of flexible
Applying indexing techniques on com-
pressed data warehouses. The storage re-
quirement for the indices will also be re-
duced because the size of the database has
been reduced by compression. Bitmap in-
dices are designed for different query types
including range, aggregation and join que-
ries. The basic idea is to indicate whether
an attribute in a tuple is equal to a specific
value or not (O'Neil & Quass, 1997) and
Chan & Ioannidis (1998). Queries whose
predicates involve attributes indexed by
bitmap indexes can be answered fast by
performing bitwise AND, or OR, or NOT
operations on bitmaps, which is a big ad-
vantage of bitmap indexes. The size of a
bitmap index strongly depends on the car-
dinality of an indexed attribute. For attri-
butes of high cardinality, indexes would
be very large and hence the performance
of data access with the support of such in-
dexes might deteriorate (Wu & Buchmann,
1998). The dynamic bitmap index is con-
structed dynamically (Sarawagi, 1997)
using vertical partition of the table, where
each column stores a compressed repre-
sentation of the values in the correspond-
ing indexed column. In bitmap join index
(Vanichayobon & Gruenwald, 1999) an
index is created for a join attribute of two
tables so that the actual join needs not be
performed. This is effective for low cardi-
nality data. Considering different criteria,
a data cube is partitioned and compressed
by Buccafurri et, al; 2003 by substituting
each block with a few summary informa-
tion. Three 64-bits indexing techniques for
compressed data warehouses are present-
ed, namely 2/3LT, 2/4LT and 2/pLT index-
es (LT stands for Level Tree). The 2/3LT
index is balanced and suitable for distribu-
tions with no strong asymmetry, the 2/4LT
is for biased for a distribution, and 2/pLT
(p for peak) captures distribution having
and extendible MOLAP, so that the dy-
namic treatment of the array becomes fea-
sible. In both scientific and MOLAP data
storage, the data grows incrementally over
time and as such the array storage map-
ping must be extendible (Rotem & Zhao,
1996 and Tsuji et, al; 2008). Hence, incre-
mental maintenance of the data cube is an
important future MOLAP implementation
and research issue (Kim & Lee, 2006 and
Jin et, al; 2008). The incremental mainte-
nance of the data cube means the propaga-
tion of its changes. Generally the amount
of changes during the specified time is
much smaller than the size of the source
relation. Therefore, it is necessary to com-
pute only the changes of the source relation
and reflect this into the original data cube.
Kim & Lee (2006) introduces incremental
data cube maintenance for ROLAP and Jin
et, al; 2008 employed the same approach
for MOLAP data cube computation. A
MOLAP array is extendible if the array
bounds are allowed to grow by admitting
new array elements that are appended to
the storage space but without reorganizing
previously allocated elements.
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