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Figure 7. Realization of 2 dimensional extendible array
Compressing by History
Offset Compression
history offset compression, even if the dimension is
high, the size of the reference is fixed in short.
As the data incrementally grows over time,
the extension of the array should be a character-
istic of MOLAP systems. (Rotem & Zhao, 1996)
pointed out some reasons for extension, such as
to add new values to a dimension, a new level
of aggregation or a completely new dimension.
History offset compression (Hasan et, al; 2006,
and 2007) allows easy extension, since it is based
on extendible arrays. This allows the array to be
extended dynamically without reallocating the
existing data that is already stored. The degree
of compression of the history offset compression
approach is heavily dependent on the number of
dimensions and the length of each dimension,
because the size of each subarray is determined
Using coordinate method, Each element of an n
dimensional extendible array can be specified by
its n dimensional coordinate like <x 1 , x 2 , ..., x n >.
In this technique, an element is specified using
the pair of history value and offset value of the
extendible array. Since a history value is unique
and has one to one correspondence with the cor-
responding subarray, the subarray including the
specified element of an extendible array can be
referred to uniquely by its corresponding history
value h. Moreover, the offset value (i.e., logical
location) of the element in the subarray can be
computed by using the addressing function and
this is also unique in the subarray. Therefore, each
element of an n -dimensional extendible array
can be referenced by specifying the pair (history
value, offset value).
In the coordinate method, if the dimension of
the extendible array becomes higher, the length
of the coordinate becomes longer proportionally.
Since an n -column record can be referenced by
its n dimensional coordinate <x 1 , x 2, ...,x n > in the
corresponding multidimensional array, the storage
requirement for referencing records become large
if the dimension is high. On the contrary, in the
Õ 1
d i
, where n is the number of dimensions.
If n and di i are large, then the size of the subarray
overflows the address space even for 64 bit ma-
chines. Moreover, for a k-bit processor, if b bits
are used for storing history values and rest of the
k-b bits are used to store offset values in history
offset compression, then the maximum history
value is 2 b and the maximum offset value that
can be stored is 2 k-b . But these are small numbers
with respect to large data warehouses. Unless
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