Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 1. Building blocks of data warehouse architecture
Basic architecture element
Operational system
A system that captures the transactions of a line of business
Data staging area
A storage area and a set of ETL and data quality processes
ETL operation
An operation that does data extraction, transformation, or loading
Data mart
A data silo with a subset of the whole enterprise data
Enterprise data warehouse
A data warehouse with an integrated data model that keeps the whole enterprise data
Data access tools
Tools, applications and user usage that create different BI output by accessing data in the data marts
Operational data store
A repository of most recent operational data and accessed by special applications or users for fast
reporting and analytics
ture, the data staging area transforms the data
and applies data quality processes before the
data from operational systems is changed into
an integrated data model in the enterprise data
warehouse. The enterprise data warehouse nor-
mally utilizes a relational data model to keep the
different business data in the whole enterprise
in an integrated manner. The enterprise data
warehouse either feeds data to data marts which
are built upon star-schema models or directly
provide data to data access tools. The metadata
repository is a special tool that integrates meta-
data from different layers, components of the
architecture in a single place in order to provide
a single, unified view of all the metadata in the
whole architecture.
The prototype architecture can fulfill the 5
requirements by the following practices. First, to
Figure 4. Prototype data warehouse architecture
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