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similarity, normalization with the inverted degree
matrix is required. The algorithm proposed in (Shi
& Malik 2000) approximates the optimal nCut by
decomposing a normalized Laplacian defined as D
-1/2 L. It can be proven that minMaxCut can be ap-
proximated by the same generalized Eigenproblem.
Ng et al. (2002) propose symmetric normaliza-
tion of the Laplacian, i.e. D -1/2 L D -1/2 . This paper
also provides derivations of spectral clustering
from the perspectives of perturbation theory and
random walks on graphs. Figure 7 provides an
example of non-Gaussian vector data clustered
with this algorithm. It becomes evident that the
transformation of the clustering problem to the
graph-cut perspective allows detecting arbitrarily
shaped clusters.
Dhillon (2001) and Zha et al. (2001) propose al-
gorithms for simultaneously clustering documents
and words of a word-document co-occurrence
matrix based on the spectral clustering idea. Docu-
ments and words are arranged in a bipartite graph
and objective functions similar to nCut for bipartite
graph partitioning are introduced. A more general
framework for spectral clustering of multi-type
relational data is introduced in (Long et al. 2006).
This method allows simultaneously clustering
objects of multiple types which are related to each
other, for example web pages, queries and web
users. Technically this is achieved by collective
factorization of related matrices.
Unlike many algorithms for partitioning clus-
tering, spectral clustering requires no assumptions
on the data distribution and the algorithms can be
easily implemented using standard linear algebra
packages. However, the result strongly depends
on the construction of the similarity matrix and a
suitable choice of the number of clusters K. Bach
and Jordan (2003) propose a technique for metric
learning to construct the similarity matrix together
with a novel algorithm approximating nCut by
weighted K-means in Eigenvector space. Zelnik-
Manor and Perona (2004) propose guidelines for
parameter settings. Another limitation of spectral
methods is that they require decomposing an n x n
matrix for a data set of n points and are therefore
not suitable for very large data sets. Fowlkes et
al. (2004) propose a sampling-based method to
approximate spectral clustering of large data sets.
As an alternative, Dhillon et al. (2004) propose a
weighted kernel-K-means algorithm to minimize
Ncut without matrix decomposition.
PArAMeter-free cluSterIng
Most approaches to clustering introduced so far
suffer from a common problem: To obtain a good
result, the user needs to select suitable values for
parameters such as the number of clusters K in K-
means and related approaches, density thresholds
Figure 7. Spectral Clustering following Ng et al. (2002): (a) Data set with two non-linear correlation
clusters; (b) Color coded visualization of the normalized Laplacian; (c) Second largest Eigenvector
provides cluster indicators which can be trivially separated by bisecting K-means
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