Database Reference
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Chapter 5
View Management Techniques
and Their Application to
Data Stream Management
Christoph Quix
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Xiang Li
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
David Kensche
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Sandra Geisler
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Data streams are continuous, rapid, time-varying, and transient streams of data and provide new op-
portunities for analysis of timely information. Data processing in data streams faces similar challenges
as view management in data warehousing: continuous query processing is related to view maintenance
in data warehousing, multi-query optimization for continuous queries is highly related to view selec-
tion in conventional relational DBMS and data warehouses. In this chapter, we give an overview of
view maintenance and view selection methods, explain the fundamental issues of data stream manage-
ment, and discuss how view management techniques from data warehousing are related to data stream
management. We also give directions for future research in view management, data streams, and data
ing, but require additional storage and need to be
maintained in case of updates of the base data. In
order to balance the efficiency of query processing
and view maintenance, view selection techniques
have been proposed which select a set of views that
approximates optimal costs for query processing
and view maintenance.
The management of views is a fundamental problem
in the design and maintenance of data warehouse
systems. Materialized views speed up query process-
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