Environmental Engineering Reference
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The dependent variable water institutional reform was already outlined in general in chap
ter 2.2. Its peculiarities in the two case studies will be described in detail in the respective case
study chapters (6.3 and 7.3). This chapter will concentrate on the controlled context variables
and the independent variables. The independent variable the neopatrimonial regime is not
entirely absent in one case and present in the other but there are complex gradual variations in
the parameter value. Therefore, not only do we have to explain the differences between the
countries under research but also the similarities shared by the two countries. The independent
variable set consists of four variables. In addition, an interfering variable was identified. These
variables will be described in detail after the following chapter on the methodology of empiri
cal research and analysis.
Methodology of Empirical Research and Analysis
This study applies hypotheses deducted from theory as well as from an inductive approach by
interpretating empirical material. The research design is roughly based on, albeit not strictly
following, the cyclic research process of Grounded Theory (Strauss, Corbin 1996). Phases of
theory development and those of empirical research interchanged, which allowed a feedback
and an adaptation of the heuristic models. The assumptions and the theoretical approach
therefore could be redefined to match the empirical results. This allowed openness for the
specific new characteristics without going into the field too unstructured. The field research
was split in four stays of several weeks with periods between four months and one year in
between. During the time between the field periods, a preliminary analysis of the material and a
refinement of the research perspective were carried out. This cyclic research process also al
lowed to apply of the gained knowledge in the subsequent interviews which resulted in a
process of theoretical sampling. Total field research time was six months: two months in au
tumn 2003, six weeks in autumn 2004, one month in spring 2005, and six weeks in autumn
2005 (see Table 2).
Table 2: Field research periods
Sept-Oct 2003
Aug-Oct 2004
May 2005
Sept-Oct 2005
Bishkek, Osh
Bishkek, Osh, Issyk-
Dushanbe, Aini,
Bishkek, Sokuluk,
Dushanbe, Aini,
Farkhor, Kudjand
Initial institutional
mapping; Expert
Expert interviews;
local field visits
Local case study;
local field visits
Local case study and
local field visits;
expert interviews
Source: own compilation.
The underlying premise of this thesis is that water scarcity is not only a physical or naturally
given situation and problem, but in many cases it is socially constructed. Hence, the research
does not focus on the natural factors of the water regime, but its institutional setting which has
an impact on the perception of reality. It is aimed at understanding ( Verstehen) rather than
explaining ( Erklären) the cognitions, perceptions, and interpretations of social reality of those
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