Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Environmental Protection. The responsibility for the protection of water resources was trans
ferred from the MinVodKhoz to the Environmental Ministry. The Committee on Geology
( Komitet po Geologii) is responsible for the groundwater resources and already existed in the same
structure in Soviet times. The Committee on Supervision of Industry and Mining Works ( Gos
GorTekhNadzor) is responsible for thermal and mineral waters. In addition, the state company
Barki Tojik is responsible for dams and electric power supply. It is deep in debt due to massive
non payment of power supply fees (MIWM, UNDP, EC IFAS 2006: 22; Jones Luong 2003:
31). 209
Further Involved Actors
In addition to these main organizations, there are other actors concerned with water gover
nance. These include agencies in the agricultural and hydropower sectors, academic institu
tions, NGOs, and international donor organizations.
President and Presidential Administration
Tajikistan has a strong presidential system; the President is the main actor in policy formula
tion. For advice and consultancy, he has an extended administrative apparatus at his disposal.
Directly subordinated to him is the Center for Strategic Studies ( Tsentr Strategicheskikh Issledova
nij Pri Prezidente Respubliki Tadzhistan ), a think tank which is also involved in water policy dis
cussions on the national as well as on the Central Asian level.
Parliament (Majlisi Oli)
The Parliament ( Majlisi Oli ) has to approve laws and can amend them. According to the 1993
Water Code, it determines the main directions of the water policy. In the Water Code of 2000,
however, its role was completely eliminated (see chapter 7.3.2 below). No interviewee men
tioned it as a major actor in the political processes of water governance.
Center for Farm Privatization Support (CFPS)
The “Republican Center for Farm Privatization Support under the Government of Tajikistan”
(CFPS) is located in the Ministry of Agriculture but is formally subordinated directly to the
government. It was established in 1998 and is the project implementation unit for World Bank
projects supporting farm privatization (“Farm Privatization Project”, 1999 2004, 20 Mio USD,
and “Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project, 2000 2006, 20 Mio USD) (World Bank
2001a). It is, among other things, in charge of supporting the establishment of WUAs and
controlling their performance. The CFPS consists of a tsentr upravleniya (administrative center)
in Dushanbe and several tsentr ispolneniya (implementation center) in the pilot raions of the
World Bank project. The latter were set up in order to provide administrative and technical
support, and to organize and oversee the rehabilitation work. Its staff includes several experts
of the MinVodKhoz and the NIIGiM . The CFPS cooperates with the MinVodKhoz , the Ministry
of Agriculture, and the respective RaiVodKhozes . 210
209 Author's interview with a senior official at the CFPS, Dushanbe, 10/09/2003; with the vice-minister of the
MinVodKhoz , Dushanbe, 10/09/2003; with a senior official of the MinVodKhoz , Dushanbe, 10/10/2003.
210 Author's interview with a senior official at the CFPS, Dushanbe, 10/13/2003; with an official of a tsentr ispolnenyia of
the CFPS, Dushanbe, 10/14/2003.
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