Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
false fruit
a fruit containing structures derived from flower parts other than the ovary
(a pseudocarp)
an abnormal flattened-stem or flower growth caused by a disturbance in the
stem apex
fertigation describes irrigation when it is used to deliver nutrients as well as water
the fusion of a male sex cell (the male gamete) from a pollen grain with a
female sex cell (the female gamete) in the ovule to produce an embryo
a concentrated source of plant nutrients that are added to growing media
fibrous root
many roots growing from the base of the stem with no dominant root
Field Capacity (FC)
the amount of water the soil can hold against the force of gravity
foliar feed
describes the application of nutrients in a spray to the foliage
the read-to-use pesticide product containing active ingredient and other
necessary ingredients
the consistency of the soil when it is easily cultivated i.e. readily forms
the structure formed from the ovary wall usually after fertilisation
fungicide, contact
a fungicide that acts against fungi on the leaf surface
fungicide, systemic
a fungicide that travels through vascular tissues
sex cell
a group of individuals within a family which have characteristics in common
germination of seeds
the emergence of the young root or radicle through the testa, usually at the
gravitational water
the water that can be removed from the soil by the force of gravity
the increase in size (dry weight) of cells, organs or the whole plant
seed bearing, non-flowering plants
the female part of the flower consisting of the carpels
an area occupied by a community of organisms
a plant able to survive temperatures between 1°C to −5°C
a plant's ability to survive low temperatures
a plant able to survive below −5°C
something with the potential to do harm
heated glasshouse (hardiness)
a plant requiring temperatures above 5°C to survive
a plant which is parasitic on other plants and also photosynthesises
herbaceous perennial
a perennial that is non-woody and generally loses its stems and foliage at the
end of the growing season
herbicide, contact
a herbicide that acts at the point of contact
herbicide, residual
a herbicide that remains chemically stable and active over a period of months
herbicide, selective a herbicide that kills only certain chosen weeds
herbicide, translocated
a herbicide that travels through pholem and xylem to reach all plant organs
an organism that feeds on plant tissue
hermaphrodite flower
a flower with both male and female parts
see consumers
the cultivation of plants in nutrient solution without soils
hypogeal germination germination in which the cotyledon/s remain below the ground inside the testa
incompatible pollen
pollen which fails to germinate or grow
indehiscent fruit
a fruit that does not split open to release the seeds
interspecific competition
competition for resources between individuals of different species
intraspecific competition
competition for resources between individuals of the same species
juvenile growth
non-reproductive growth
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