Biology Reference
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Human Body Weight Control Program
The body weight control program consisted of diet therapy, exercise, and behavioral
modification. All subjects were recommended an individualized low-calorie diet by
a dietitian at an introductory class. Also each subject of exercise group was made to
perform treadmill exercise three times a week during the 8-week program with
intensity corresponding to 70% of anaerobic threshold. So subjects can consume
200 kcal during exercise. To learn behavioral modification, subjects were provided
an online lecture and were asked to submit a self-monitoring diet and exercise diary
to the researcher each week. In addition, subjects were counseled through the face-
to-face meeting every week and e-mails.
Body Composition Assessment
Body composition assessment was conducted from each subject. The heights of
subjects were measured with a stadiometer. Body composition such as body weight,
soft lean mass, body fat mass, percent body fat, and body mass index (BMI) were
assessed at least once per week using bioelectrical impedance (In body 3.0, Biospace,
Serum Taurine Level
Level of serum taurine was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatogra-
phy (HPLC) system (McMahon et al. 1996 ). Serum samples were mixed with
acetonitrile and the supernatant was adjusted to pH 9 by borate buffer. These solu-
tions mixed with fluorescamine were analyzed on the HPLC (Agilent Technologies
1200 series HPLC) and Waters C 18 reverse-phase column (250 × 4.6 mm i.d) at
385 nm. The mobile phases tetrahydrofuran-acetonitrile-phosphate buffer (pH 3.5)
(4:25:71, v/v/v, solvent A) and tetrahydrofuran-acetonitrile-phosphate buffer
(pH 3.5) (4:24:72, v/v/v, solvent B) were used in gradient elution with flow rate at
1 ml/min.
Serum Lipid Pro fi les and Serum Adipokine Levels
Blood was collected after a fasting overnight at the same time in the morning before
and after the human body weight control program. The collected blood was centri-
fuged at 3,000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant serum was separated in microtubes
and stored under −70°C until the determination of serum lipid levels. Serum total
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