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ponents ), the set L of the components of the
warehouse is selected. L constitutes the set of the
components needed in the DW. We suppose that
the set of the components of the warehouse is a
subset of all the components of the various DBs. In
other words we have: L ⊆ ∪ k∈D (C k ). Consequently,
L=∪ k∈D (L k ) where L k =L ∩ (C k ).
We suppose that L ≠ ∅ and some L k can be
empty with C k ∩ C k' = ∅ and L k ∩ L k' = ∅ for any
k≠k' . Thus, for all x L, a single k D exists
such that x L k .
Example 2: Considering example 1, the set L
of the components of the warehouse is L = {x 1 , x 5 ,
y 1 , y 2 , y 7 } with L 1 = {x 1 , x 5 } and L 2 = {y 1 , y 2 , y 7 }
The second step ( The decomposition of the
whole components of the warehouse ) consists
in replacing recursively all the composite ele-
ment by their components. We defined as simple
component, every component c such that comp ( c )
=∅. It thus acts, in this step, to recursively replace
every non simple component c of L ( comp ( c ) ≠
∅) by all the elements of comp(c), until there is
only simple components.
Let DB = (C, ref, comp) be a DS. Let us de-
note that C S is the set of simple components. The
decomposition of the composed components is
made using the recursive function (Hamdoun,
2006) decomp: C → P(C S ). It is defined as
follows:if decomp ( c ):= { c } then comp ( c ) = ∅,
else decomp ( c ):= ∪ c'∈ comp(c) (decomp (c')
In fact, decomp(c) makes simple the set of
components which took part in the construction
of c.
Example 3: By considering example 2, the
result of the decomposition is the following set:L'
= {x 2 , x 3 , x 5 , y 1 , y 4 , y 3 , y 8 , y 9 , y 10 }.
The third step consists in filtering the compo-
nents set. This one is refined using the two relations
S and I of the selected environment. Indeed, two
sub-steps of filtering are carried out on the set L
according to these relations. The first filtering op-
eration, using the partial order I, consists in leaving
the components corresponding to the maximum
elements with respect to the partial order I. Recall
that: X is a maximum element in a partial order
if it does not exist y such that y > x .
Example 4: According to the example 3, L'
becomes L'={x 2 , x 3 , x 5 , y 1 , y 3 , y 8 , y 9 , y 10 }.
In this second filtering operation, for each
equivalence class of the relation S, only one repre-
sentative is left and others are deleted. The choice
of this representative element is arbitrary and does
not intervene in the integration process.
Example 5: By supplementing example 4,
L' becomes the following set:L'={x 2 , x 3 , x 5 , y 1 ,
y 8 , y 9 , y 10 }. The set L', result of the filtering, is
thus formed: L'⊆L.L' can be written as follows:
L'=∪ k∈D (L' k ) avec L' k =L' ∩ (L k ).
Note: In the realization of these two filter-
ing operations the order of processing is crucial
(filtering by using I then filtering by using S).
The following example illustrates the two results
obtained if the order is not respected.
Example 6: Let us suppose that L'={x 2 , y 3 ,
y 5 } and assume x 2 S y 3 and y 5 I x 2 . The result of
filtering by using I is L'={x 2 , y 3 } then by apply-
ing S we obtain L'={y 3 }. The result of filtering
by using S leads to L'={y 3 , y 5 } ; then by applying
I we obtain L'={y 3 , y 5 }.
The fourth step ( The generation of the total
schema of the DW ) is made up applying the four
following sub-steps:
Construction of the graphs associated with
the sources: In each graph G k corresponding
to a data source DB k , the nodes represent all
the components c C k where not exists c'
C k with c comp k ( c' ). The edges rely each
couple of nodes (n(c), n(c')) corresponding
to a couple of components ( c, c' ) such that
∃ X ⊂ comp k (c), Y ⊂ comp k (c ' ) with X ref k
Example 7: By supplementing example 5 we
obtain the two graphs shown in Figure 3.
Detection of the connected sub-graphs:
a graph is qualified as connected when it
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