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Figure 2.15 Line fitting for noise variance equal to 0.1: plot of the index parameter
(expressed in decibels). The values are averaged using a temporal mask with width equal to
500 iterations, except in the first 500 iterations, in which the mask is equal to the maximum
number of iterations. ( See insert for color representation of the figure .)
the plot of the index parameter. The accuracy is very good and, in particular,
MCA EXIN has the best
for most of iterations (recall that the initial weight
norm is low, but this is the best choice, as a consequence of Remark 64). The
figure also shows its bigger fluctuations. As anticipated by the theory, LUO has
the worst behavior. Figure 2.16 represents the same plot for a higher level of
noise (
5). Evidently, the accuracy is lower, but the analysis about the
MCA neuron properties is still valid. Figure 2.17 shows the first iterations: MCA
EXIN is the fastest and LUO is the slowest algorithm.
The following simulations use, as data, a zero mean Gaussian random vec-
tor x ( t ) generated by an autocorrelation matrix R whose spectrum is chosen in
advance. The goal of this approach is the analysis of the behavior of the MCA
laws with respect to the dimensionality n of data and the conditioning of R .Inthe
first group of simulations, the components of the initial weight vector are chosen
randomly in [0, 1]. λ n is always equal to 1. The other eigenvalues are given by
the law λ i = n i ; then the condition number κ 2 ( R ) = λ 1 n increases with n ,
but R always remains a well-conditioned matrix. Table 2.3 shows, for four MCA
laws, the best results, 15 in terms of total cost in flops, obtained for each value of
n . Except for EXIN, all other laws diverge for low values of n : from OJA, which
diverges for only n = 7, to LUO, which diverges for n = 10. This problem can
be explained by the choice of initial conditions: increasing the number of com-
ponents, the initial weight modulus increases and quickly becomes greater than
15 For each value of n , several experiments have been done by changing the learning rate (initial and
final values, monotonic decreasing law), and only the best result for each MCA law is reported.
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