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Let : M be a smooth function defined on a manifold M and let D :
M T M denote the differential, that is, the section of the cotangent bundle 5
T M defined by
: T w M
(w) ξ
| w (ξ )
where D (w)
is the derivative of
w . To be able to define the gradient
vector field of , a Riemannian metric 6
· , · w on M must be specified. Then the
consequent gradient grad : M TM is determined uniquely by the following
two properties:
1. Tangency condition:
grad (w) T w M
w M
2. Compatibility condition:
D (w) ξ = grad (w) , ξ
ξ T w M
If M =
is endowed with its standard Riemannian metric defined by
n , then the associated gradient vector is just
ξ , η = ξ
η ξ , η
∂w 1 (w) ,
∂w 2 (w) , ... ,
(w) =
∂w n (w)
nxn is a symmetric matrix denoting a smooth map which represents
the Riemannian metric, then
If Q :
grad (w) = Q 1
(w) (w)
which shows the dependence of grad
on the metric Q
Let S n 1
n . Denote
= { w
| w =
denote the unit sphere in
: S n 1
, R
the restriction of
the Rayleigh quotient of
the auto-
space is T w S n 1
correlation matrix on the unit
sphere. The tangent
5 The tangent bundle TM of a manifold M is the set-theoretic disjoint union of all tangent spaces T w M
of M (i.e., TM =∪ w M T w M ). The cotangent bundle T M of M is defined as T M =∪ w M T w
M ,
where T w
M = Hom ( T w M , ) is the dual (cotangent) vector space of T w M .
6 The inner product is determined uniquely by a positive definite symmetric matrix Q
n × n
that u , v = u T Q v holds u , v
n ,a Riemannian metric on M is a family of nondegenerate inner
products · , · w defined on each tangent space T w M , such that · , · w depends smoothly on w M ;
thus, the Riemannian metric on
n × n
n , Q (w)
is just a smooth map Q :
such that w
n defines
is a real positive definite symmetric n × n matrix. Every nondegenerate inner product on
n . The converse is not true. A Riemannian manifold is a smooth manifold
endowed with a Riemannian metric.
a Riemannian metric on
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