Travel Reference
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Musée de Cluny, the former town house of the abbots of Cluny
7. The Sorbonne was founded in the 13th century by Robert de Sorbon and is still one of
the most famous academic institutions in the world. You can visit the courtyard and gal-
leries when the university is in session. In the Cour d'Honneur are statues of Hugo and
La Sorbonne (University and Church) forms the center of the Latin Quarter
7b. The Sorbonne Church was built in 1635 and contains the marble tomb of Cardinal
Richelieu, which is a work based on a design by Le Brun. The chapel is part of the complex
of the famous Sorbonne university.
8. The Panthéon was originally built as a church between 1758 and 1790 but, after many
changes, now functions as a secular mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished
French citizens.
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