Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Injection Pipe
Pumping Pipe
Unconfined (Alluvial) Aquifer
Confining Layer
Confined Aquifer
Infiltration pit wells in confined and unconfined aquifers.
Well modifications of the types outlined in this section are proposed for
use in implementing aquifer UPHES systems. They include increased well
radius, horizontal pipe completions, radial completions, horizontal “bend-
ing” well geometry, and infiltration pits. The best method of increasing well
flow rates will depend on site-specific geology and aquifer characteristics,
the availability of technology and tools to implement these advanced com-
pletions, and budget and power requirements.
Surface Reservoir
A surface water reservoir is needed to contain the water pumped up from
the aquifer until it is used. Water pumped and held at the surface repre-
sents stored potential energy with respect to the aquifer. This energy can be
converted back into electricity via a turbine generator or it can be partially
allocated to another use such as irrigation. Surface ponds are not uncom-
mon structures. Permitting, design, construction, and use of surface reser-
voirs are well understood and should pose no engineering challenges for
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