Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
If You Need Help
The state hospital emergency
team b +90 242 613 35 48
Police station b +90 242 614 13 09
Local hospitals, b +90 252 223
80 40 and b +90 252 413 14 15
Police station b +90 252 412 18 72
Countrywide numbers
Emergency b 112
Fire service b 110
Municipal police b 153
Police b 155
Traffic police b 154
Most emergency teams speak
good English, and most major
hospitals have English-speaking
doctors. Rural practices or hospi-
tals may not, however. A list of
hospitals in Turkey can be found
on the British Consulate website
( ). All
hospitals will provide emergency
dental treatment as well as dealing
with medical emergencies. For
minor problems, most pharmacies
are run by trained pharmacists
who can dispense medicines.
Remember you will probably
have to pay for any treatment. See
Travel Insurance p. 40.
Staying in Touch
By Phone The cheapest way to
make local and international
telephone calls in Turkey is from
a PTT ( ) tele-
phone booth found in towns
and cities throughout Turkey, or
from post offices. Hotels usually
offer direct dial telephones in
guestrooms, although making
calls can be expensive. Check the
rates your hotel charges.
The booths are often busy
and you will need to purchase a
phonecard ( jetons ). They come
in denominations of 30, 60,
100, 120 and 180 YTL, and are
available from post offices and
many kiosks.
Main post offices are generally
open from Mon-Sat 8.30am-
12.30pm and 1.30pm-5.30pm,
Sun 9am-7pm. Smaller post
offices will be open on weekdays
Some smaller post offices in
tourist areas will open every day.
Post offices are easily identified
by their PTT or Turk Telekom
signage. As well as telephone
cards, among the services offered
by post offices are fax, sending
and receiving letters and money
Regional numbers
An-Deva Hospital emergency
health team b +90 242 312 67 67
The Antalya Dentist Association,
b +90 242 237 52 52 . This can give
contact details for dentists
throughout the region
Police station b +90 242 227 96 00
Universal Hospital b +90 252 319
15 15
Police station b +90 252 316 80 80
Local hospital b +90 232 712 00 77
Police station b +90 232 712 66 27
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