Global Positioning System Reference
In-Depth Information
Simply let the IDE override the constructor and add the .move method.
That's it. Note that although the Java compiler forces you to supply a
.move() implementation, it does not prevent the stub to be left empty.
Since a GPS trace was identified as a realistic real-world simulation,
seen by an external observer, the motion is derived from the GPS unit's
playback method described in Section 4.13. To make use of the playback,
two methods are added to the RealObject :
final protected void replayGPStrace( File gpxFile )
final protected void replayGPStrace( GPStrace gpsTrace )
Note that the methods are not added to BuellXB12Ss , since they can be
applied to any RealObject .
In order to move a vehicle you need to be in the driver's seat. For
the moment, the main method will serve as the environment to create a
Buell motorcycle. It's a plausible development environment as it can access
private and protected methods, i.e., it can be controlled from inside.
Observing Motorcycles
MapViewer . As an application grows, the number of classes increases and
it's a good practice \to close some doors behind you." In the prototyping
Figure6.2. The (Tile)MapViewer displays a large map for zooming and a mini-
map for an overview of the complete bounding box. The MovingObjects panel
(lower right) can be used to replay GPS traces stored in GPX files.
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