Global Positioning System Reference
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concrete implementation of motion impossible. The only constraint so far,
is that the GPSunit has to reflect every change of motion with
final protected void move( double direction, double speed )
gpsUnit.move(direction, speed);
Although this move is moving the gpsUnit , the RO programmer has to care-
fully distinguish real and simulated motion. The method is final to force
every object to report the result (or return value) of a simulated motion rel-
ative to the external environment with .getGPSinfo() . Consequently, this
method is used to write (and log) the result of a simulation (or playback,
or live trace) step and the RealObject can be moved with
... protected void move()
// 1. simulation calculates next move ...
// or 2. retrieve move from trace replay ...
// or 3. retrieve move from a real object ...
=> finally execute move with values
move(direction, speed);
Thus, the move will be logged to the RO history and, externally, the coor-
dinates can be retrieved at any point in time.
By repeatedly calling the move method, the object can be guided along
any path in space and time: a person walking, a jet plane flying or a fish
swimming. This usage of move adheres to the mathematical description of
distance= time = s=t:
Since the ROAF is meant to be a real-world simulator for every existing
object, it is impossible, at this point, to implement a concrete way to move.
In object-oriented programming, this problem can be overcome by adding
an abstract method:
abstract protected void move() { /* no implementation! */ }
Abstract methods do not have an implementation and as soon as a class
has an abstract method the whole class has to be declared abstract :
public abstract class RealObject
In general, Java allows three kinds of classes: full implementation, par-
tial implementation, and no implementation. The Position interface is a
class without implementation, GeoPoint is a class with full implementation.
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