Global Positioning System Reference
In-Depth Information
Find the ../deployed/GPXviewer.jar and launch it with the command
java -jar GPXviewer.jar
On many Java installations, you can launch jar files with a double click.
If you are new at this, it is not advised, since the viewer does not have
a status bar. Therefore, you should keep an eye on the command line to
receive feedback and errors.
Run the quick start instructions in GPXviewer.txt in the same folder as
the viewer. It should be easy to see that the application is not ready to be
marketed. If there is there something you think is missing or something
you don't like, you should launch the viewer in your IDE and add it and/or
change it. There is room for improvement.
Chapter 7 (page 79) introduces the open source map viewer JOSM pro-
vided with the OpenStreetMap project. However, you might want to search
the web to find a different tool to create GPX files, and then organize a
map image of your environment and clone the HD folder to it.
5.8.1 Minimum Implementation and TODO List
In the project context, the MapPanel is a minimum implementation for
converting dec2pix and pix2dec inside the map scales and for drawing ge-
ographical information. From another point of view, the panel contains a
number of arrays, which can be filled from an application. Although there
are many (free) tools to handle GPX data, they are not suited to draw
Java arrays or replay traces.
Here is a sample TODO list. You might want to add some additional
ˆ Extend the GPS unit to read, modify, and write GPX files to disk.
ˆ Beautify graphics with
This Graphics2D class extends the Graphics class to
provide more sophisticated control over geometry, coordi-
nate transformations, color management, and text layout.
This is the fundamental class for rendering 2-dimensional
shapes, text and images on the Java(tm) platform.
The GUI Mapping Package
The UML diagram in Figure 5.1 gives an overview of the
package. The reader should experiment with the roafx.swingmap package
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