Global Positioning System Reference
In-Depth Information
Reconciliation analysis. Here are the basic steps:
1. In Round 1, the first runner starts moving toward his destination.
The game master can validate how he is getting there by validating
the motion against the edges of the navigable map at a reasonable
2. After the first player starts to move, the next player (chaser) has
secondsPerMove to pick a strategy and start moving. 6 Then, all the
other players start moving one after the other. When the last player
has started moving the next round begins.
3. Before the first running player begins to move again, all other players
potentially still moving need to get a chance to capture him.
Consequently the server has to check, if a chaser is headed to the runner's
destination and delay the invocation of the next move.
Note that the LCPlayers can navigate internally, i.e., adapt speed, while
the navigated objects only replay a given trace.
Move implementation. Every LCPlayer has two integers myDestination
myOrigin to define his current move. The player is asked to move by the
GameThread with the method getDestination() and must submit the next
destination after a maximum of getTimeToMove() seconds.
PlayerClient.getDestination() > LCPlayer.getDestination()
The PlayerClient invokes the abstract method getDestination() on the
player. Each player implementation can choose a way to return the desti-
nation (randomly, analytical, intelligent, interactive etc.).
public Integer getDestination() throws RemoteException
// start timer
submitDestination = LCPlayer.this.getDestination();
move(); // start move and (re)set origin and destination
return submitDestination;
Then, the player actually starts moving by invoking the RO method
move() . Due to the restricted number of valid moves, the LCPlayer can
pre-implement discrete moves from a valid station to a neighboring station
and make it final .
6 The name of theboardgameparameteris a bit confusing and could be renamed to
secondsToDecide .
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