Information Technology Reference
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time then
load time = min reservation time
else load time = calculated load time
else load time = fixed load time
end if
elseIf default receiving load time is true then
if default receiving load time = fixed load time then
load time = fixed default receiving load time
elseif default receiving load time = variable load
time then
If calculated load time > Max reservation time
load time = max reservation time
elseif calculated load time < Min reservation
time then
load time = min reservation time
else load time = calculated load time
end if
end if
else load time = default reservation time
note: calculated load time = higher (of shipped qty. 1 or
shipped qty 2) * loading rate + load time per distinct item *
item count
Complete Appointment Scheduling Logic
If [(shipment date) < Today's Date] then
Message “Shipment is out dated and no appointment can
be done”
Appointment date = (shipment date + pre date tolerance(i)) (i) ) or
(shipment date - pre date tolerance(i)) (i) )
If Frequency count on shipment date < Max Frequency Limit]
for partner, partner profile name, load type or appointment
code then
If Shipment Time >= Now + Reservation Lead Time
and (Now + Reservation Lead Time) Not Between Size
Restriction then
Appointment date = (shipment date
- pre date tolerance(i)) (i) ) Date
If Round(Now + Reservation Lead
Time) Start Time Slots = Preferred Start Time then
If Round(Previous Appointment End Time) Start Time Slot =<
Preferred Start Time then
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