Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
3. 2.1.1 Module Description
This module was used for making automatic appointments of trucks at dock
doors of warehouses based on various constraints, availability, and priority. The
constraints were of two types—hard and soft constraints—and there was a clear
hierarchy as to which constraint would apply first and which would apply after the
other constraint. At the same time, hard constraints can never be overridden but
the soft constraint can be overridden if certain conditions are met. Overall the logic
for this program was very complex, so testing this logic was difficult. Strategy
It was recognized very early in the project that testing of this module was very
difficult and special attention was needed to test it. A series of brainstorming ses-
sions was organized until complete understanding of the logic was acquired and an
appropriate test strategy was developed. It took five such sessions of 1 hour each.
Because appointments were affected by existing appointments, it was decided to
test the engine with transaction data present in the system. Whenever the engine
did not return with the most suitable appointment, it was verified in the calen-
dar whether this suitable appointment slot was already occupied by an existing
appointment. Then multiple shipments originating from different pickup locations
were combined. Combined shipments were also to be tested.
3. 2.1. 3 Complexity
There were 11 main constraints. Some of the constraints had up to 20 subcon-
straints. Existing transaction data also came into play because when any existing
appointment was present, the engine would have to find another appointment slot.
The output of the module was to provide appointment start and end time for any
incoming truck at any appropriate dock door (as suggested by the appointment
engine) of the warehouse. The inputs were pickup warehouse, delivery warehouse,
truck capacity, truck type, kind of goods loaded on the truck, truck start time after
pickup, truck arrival time at the delivery warehouse, kind of goods that can be
received at a particular dock door, number of dock doors at a specific warehouse,
opening and closing time of dock doors on different days of the week, calendar
or business week defined in the calendar for the dock door, partner preference for
loading or unloading at dock doors, availability of QA (quality assurance) at dock
doors, availability of labor for loading or unloading, time window under which any
shipment must be appointed at any dock door, maximum number of shipments
from a particular partner or type of load that can be received at a dock door, size
restriction at dock doors for specific maximum loads at certain times during a day,
preferred start times, and so on.
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