Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Software Testing
Project Strategies
In Indian folk songs (Asian, not North American!), they sing prayers about
drinks and the beauty of women. But the words have deeper meanings. In fact,
they are speaking about spirituality and the divinity of God and not about
earthly things. Similarly documents about your project may have deeper mean-
ings. So you need to scratch the surface and find out the real issues they are
talking about.
Many times the users themselves are not sure what they want. So the require-
ments you get from these types of users are never accurate or complete. Accordingly
the design and coding will have many iterations. In each iteration, the features are
refined and accordingly the design is changed.
Any project will be doomed to fail if suitable strategies for executing that proj-
ect are not well planned and well implemented.
Strategies will include how best to utilize your resources and time available
to you against risk factors to achieve the best results for your project in terms of
agreed-upon deliverables, customer perception, fulfilling company objectives, and
so on.
In this chapter we will discuss making strategies for automation, resource utili-
zation, technology management, risk management, and so on.
To create good strategies for test projects, let us first understand the life cycle of a
software product and how to best align software testing with different phases of the
product life cycle. Later we can learn how automation is linked in the life cycle.
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