Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements
Specify criteria to be used to suspend the testing activity.
Specify testing activities that must be redone when testing is resumed.
Test Deliverables
Identify the deliverable documents: test plan, test design specifications, test
case specifications, test procedure specifications, test item transmittal reports,
test logs, test incident reports, test summary reports.
Identify test input and output data.
Identify test tools (optional).
Testing Tasks
Identify tasks necessary to prepare for and perform testing.
Identify all task interdependencies.
Identify any special skills required.
Environmental Needs
Specify necessary and desired properties of the test environment: physical
characteristics of the facilities including hardware, communications and sys-
tem software, the mode of usage (i.e., stand-alone), and any other software
or supplies needed.
Specify the level of security required.
Identify any other testing needs.
Identify special test tools needed.
Identify the source for all needs that are not currently available.
Identify groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing,
witnessing, checking, and resolving.
Identify groups responsible for providing the test items identified in the Test
Items section.
Identify groups responsible for providing the environmental needs identified
in the Environmental Needs section.
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