Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIgure 7.3 The finite element meshes of the knee joint model. All the parts, including the bony structures,
cartilages, menisci, ligaments, and patellar tendon, were meshed by 8-node hexahedral elements.
7.2.1 m aterial p ropertieS
The material properties can also influence the simulation results, and were sourced from previous
publications on validated knee models. The bony parts were set as cortical bone with an elastic mod-
ulus of 20,000 MPa and Poisson's ratio of 0.3 (Rho, Ashman, and Turner 1993; Zysset et al. 1999).
The inner structures, such as trabecular bone, were ignored since they would not interact directly
with the cartilage. The cartilage was assumed to be isotropic elastic with an elastic modulus of 10
MPa and a Poisson's ratio of 0.45. The menisci were modeled as transversely isotropic materials,
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