Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Ruth E. Tingay's understanding of the persecution issue has benefi ted from discussions over the years
with fellow raptor fi eldworkers Ronnie Graham, Wendy Mattingley, Tony Lightley, Malcolm Henderson,
Brian Little, Dave Anderson, Bob Elliot, Elsie Ashworth, Keith Morton and particularly Brian Etheridge.
Mike Taylor wishes to acknowledge all WIIS - Scotland team members, past and present.
Ngaio Richards thanks the UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate, the Pesticides Action Network
(PAN UK), and the ROI Pesticide Control Service for providing regulatory and product information
and for clarifying the nuances of the pesticide registration/revocation process. She also thanks Paul
Irving for the invaluable help he provided on the initial draft of this chapter and John C. Nelson and
Wayne E. Thogmartin of the United States Geological Survey (USGS, Upper Midwest Environmental
Sciences Center) for producing Figure 6.1. Finally, she extends her appreciation to the three contribu-
tors for their diligent efforts on this chapter and for presenting their positions so candidly. All photos
in Section 6.5 are copyright of SASA.
1. http://www.sasa.gov.uk/pesticide_wildlife/wiis/index.cfm
2. http://www.pesticides.gov.uk/home.asp
3. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/legislation/scotland/ssi2005/20050066.htm
4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/8329789.stm.
5. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/04/03143616/3
6. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2009/06/19124305
7. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Environment/Wildlife-Habitats/paw-scotland/
8. The PA W Fund for Fighting Wildlife Crime in Scotland
9. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Environment/Wildlife-Habitats/paw-scotland/news/Newtesting
Alison, A. (1856) Use of strychnine by gamekeepers. Edinburgh Medical Journal 2 , 286.
Anonymous (2000) Report of the UK Raptor Working Group . Department of the Environment, Transport
and the Regions, Bristol, UK and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK.
Brown, P. and Waterston, G. (1962) The Return of the Osprey . Collins, London, UK.
Dracup, B. (2009). Accessed 1 January 2011. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/news/381373/Satellite_tracking_
Etheridge, B., Summers, R.W. and Green, R.E. (1997) The effects of illegal killing and destruction of
nests by humans on the population dynamics of the hen harrier Circus cyaneus in Scotland. Journal of
Applied Ecology , 34 , 1081-1105.
Evans, I.M., Dennis, R.H., Orr-Ewing, D.C., Kjellén, N., Andersson, P-O., Sylvén, M., Senosiain, A. and
Carbo, F.C. (1997) The re-establishment of red kite breeding populations in Scotland and England.
British Birds , 90 , 123-138.
Fielding, A.H., Haworth, P.F., Whitfi eld, D.P., McLeod, D.R.A. and Riley, H. (2011) A Conservation
Framework for Hen Harriers in the UK . Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Peterborough, UK.
Hardey, J., Rollie, C.J. and Stirling-Aird, P.K. (2003) Variation in breeding success of inland peregrine fal-
con ( Falco peregrinus ) in three regions of Scotland 1991-2000. In Thompson, D.B.A., Redpath, S.M.,
Fielding, A.H., Marquiss, M. and Galbraith, C.A. (Eds.). Birds of Prey in a Changing Environment . The
Stationary Offi ce, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 99-109.
Love, J.A. (1983) The Return of the Sea Eagle . Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
Marquiss, M. and Newton, I. (1982) The goshawk in Britain. British Birds 75 , 243-260.
Marquiss, M., Petty, S.J., Anderson, D.I.K. and Legge, G. (2003) Contrasting population trends of
the northern goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis ) in the Scottish/English Borders and North-East Scotland.
In Thompson, D.B.A., Redpath, S.M., Fielding, A.H., Marquiss, M. and Galbraith, C. (Eds.). Birds of
Prey in a Changing Environment . The Stationary Offi ce, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 143-148.
Mearns, B. and Mearns, R. (1998) The Bird Collectors . Academic Press, London, UK.
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