Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 22
Machine Learning
In this chapter, we gather some key machine learning concepts that are related to this
topic. This is not intended to be an introductory tutorial, and it is assumed that the
reader already has some background on machine learning. We will first review some
basic supervised learning problems, such as regression and classification, and then
show how to use statistical learning theory to analyze their theoretical properties.
When writing this chapter, we have referred to [ 1 - 5 ] to a large extent. Note that
we will not add explicit citations in the remaining part of this chapter. The readers
are highly encouraged to read the aforementioned materials since this chapter is just
a quick review of them.
In general, we use x i to denote the input variables, usually represented by fea-
tures, and y i to denote the output or target variables that we are going to predict.
A pair (x i ,y i ) is called a training example, and the set of n training examples
(x i ,y i )
1 ,...,n
is called a training set. We use
to denote the space of
input variables, and
the space of output values.
In supervised learning, given a training set, the task is to learn a function h
such that h(x) is a good predictor for the corresponding value of y .The
function h is called a hypothesis.
When the target variable that we are going to predict is continuous, the learning
problem is called a regression problem. When y can take on only a small number of
discrete values (such as 0 or 1), it is called a classification problem.
22.1 Regression
22.1.1 Linear Regression
Here we take linear regression as an example to illustrate the regression problem. In
linear regression, the hypothesis takes the following linear form:
h(x) = w T x.
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