Agriculture Reference
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for technologies that consider also the tradition of the area and constitute
an identity and culture focusing on social justice and a balanced envi-
ronment applying criteria of sustainability. The engine of these processes
should be presence of and pressure from citizens: promoting the creation
of new spaces and forms of citizenship or re-elaborate some of the dynam-
ics forms of identity and space. Community-based initiatives can be more
effective than public policies supported by governmental institutions, un-
able to sustain over several administrations.
A synthesis of the visions has shown two possible development sce-
narios (a development scenario is a vision of the users and stakeholders
that participated in the Future Workshop on the future development of the
1. Conservation of local identity: as this aspect was mentioned very
often during the workshop, a scenario which strengthens the local
community was developed. It envisages local solutions and some
level of engagement with the city government where inhabitants
of Xochimilco are involved and participating in decision making
processes concerning resource management. Water protection is a
crucial component as water is highly connected to the local identity
and the traditional form of cultivation in chinampas.
2. Economic development: This scenario builds on economic devel-
opment. Originally the focus was on touristic development; how-
ever, a later refinement to the case study areas has put emphasis on
agricultural development. Although the productivity of the chinam-
pas is generally high [12], not all are used for agricultural purposes.
Instead, some parts are fallow and others are used for urbanization.
By protecting the chinampas from urbanization and promoting ag-
ricultural activities through capacity building and for instance new
high-value crops income can increase. In addition, Xochimilco has
a touristic area that could be promoted and improved. Prerequisites
are a functioning water supply and sewage net, a solid waste man-
agement system and the protection of biodiversity and the natural
environment that makes the area for tourists an attractive, clean
destination. Local products could be certified and sold in super-
markets in Mexico City to generate higher income.
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