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The scenario workshop aimed at the identifi cation of different options
for future regional development. Building on the outcomes of the scenario
workshops, a workshop for participatory planning was conducted. This
workshop focused more on the technical aspects with respect to water,
wastewater and solid waste management. It encompassed two main phas-
es: the existing environmental problems in the area were discussed; and
the participants identifi ed possible solutions and highlighted the main con-
fl icts and barriers that need to be overcome to implement those solutions.
The results of the scenario building and the participatory planning were
combined and then different concept scenarios were developed. A con-
cept scenario encompassed a coherent set of water technologies that are
suitable for a different future development scenario (e.g., urbanization or
conservation). The concept scenarios were then furnished with a set of
suitable technologies.
Next, a feasibility was conducted which aimed at demonstrating the techni-
cal feasibility of the identified technologies for each concept scenario. As a
detailed feasibility study for the entire case study area was beyond the scope
of this study, a smaller area was considered much better to suit for “testing”
the concepts and its technologies. For the selection, some criteria includ-
ing infrastructure, urbanization, remoteness and socio-economic conditions
were applied to ensure the selection is representative for most peri-urban
area in Xochimilco. This included one small area in the lowland chinampa
area (La Conchita) and another in the mountainous areas (San Martín). The
detailed feasibility study was then conducted for each concept scenario in
the selected smaller areas. The following tasks were conducted:
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