Agriculture Reference
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few scholars (e.g., Buchholz, 1993; Karim, 2010) that the future of food
security and land protection entirely depends on the control of and re-
striction on births than emphasis on unusual use of chemical fertilizer to
boost agricultural production. There is argument that it is more humane
and ethical to implement family planning programme to keep the popula-
tion at the lowest level than allow people to be victims of starvation. To
allow the increase in population is nothing but to cause starvation, health
problems, increasing unemployment and finally the destruction of the en-
vironment. This is particularly true for some Third World countries like
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Nigeria where there
is rapid increase of population among the lower-income and poorer sec-
tions. It is assumed that family planning programme do not work properly
in these countries at the rural level. Government s and the NGOs in many
of these countries try to popularize family planning programme among
the wealthy, rich and educated segments of society who are nevertheless
are quite aware of the situation (Karim, 2010). We must remember that
when population increases effectually much cropland is taken for urban
and rural habitation. In order to feed many mouths, farmers have to use
excessive fertilizers and pesticides which eventually destroy the fertility
of the soil and also at the same time, negatively affect human health. It has
been proven from the ethnographic examples given in this paper that there
has been a tremendous shrinking of agricultural land in the two villages of
Bangladesh within the span of one hundred years. This is particularly true
for Bangladesh as well as for other developing nations like India, China
and Indonesia, which have all the potential of development but often lag
behind because of their demographic pressure and man-land low achieve-
ment (see Kumar, 2000 for details on this).
Based on the above contention, however, I formulate in my conclusive
statement a very simple formula below for the peasants around the world
in regard to their agricultural land-use pattern throughout the years, stat-
ing that, we must fi nd out a mechanism to deal with such a huge number
of growing population around the world at this critical situation. The fi rst
suggestion is that each and every nation around the world should formu-
late their own policies immediately with a target to bring the population
growth at a replacement level, and simultaneously they should invent
some techniques to solve the food crisis throughout the world.
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