Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food; Item 72(b) of the Provisional
Agenda; Sixty Second Session; A/62/289; United Nations: New York, NY, USA, 22
August 2007; pp. 1-23.
2. Vergé, X.P.C.; Worth, D.E.; Dyer, J.A.; Desjardins, R.L.; McConkey, B.G. LCA
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3. Trivedi, B. What is your dinner doing to the climate? New Scientist magazine,
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4. Vergé, X.P.C.; Dyer, J.A.; Desjardins, R.L.; Worth, D. Greenhouse gas emissions
from the Canadian beef industry. Agric. Syst. 2008, 98, 126-134.
5. Dyer, J.A.; Vergé, X.P.C.; Desjardins, R.L.; McConkey, B.G. Implications of biofuel
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of Biofuels; Chapter 9; Dos Santos Bernardes, M.A., Ed.; InTech: Rijeka, Croatia,
2011; pp. 161-178.
6. Dyer, J.A.; Vergé, X.P.C.; Kulshreshtha, S.N.; Desjardins, R.L.; McConkey, B.G.
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were not used in Canadian livestock production in 2001. J. Sustain. Agric. 2011, 35,
7. Storm, I.M.L.D.; Hellwing, A.L.F.; Nielson, N.I.; Madsoen, J. Methods for measur-
ing and estimating methane emissions from ruminants. Animals 2012, 2, 160-183.
8. Flachowsky, G.; Kampheus, J. Carbon footprints for food of animal origin: What are
the most preferable criteria to measure animal yields? Animals 2012, 2, 108-126.
9. Boehm, M.; Junkins, B.; Desjardins, R.; Kulshreshtha, S.; Lindwall, W. Sink poten-
tial of Canadian agricultural soils. Clim. Chang. 2004, 65, 297-314.
10. Janzen, H.H.; Desjardins, R.L.; Rochette, P.; Boehm, M.; Worth, D. Better Farm-
ing Better Air—A Scientific Analysis of Farming Practices and Greenhouse Gases
in Canada; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2008; p.146.
11. Desjardins, R.L.; Vergé, X.; Hutchinson, J.J.; Smith, W.N.; Grant, B.; McConkey,
B.; Worth, D. Greenhouse Gases; Lefebvre, A., Eilers, W., Chun, B., Eds.; Agri-
Environmental Indicators Report 2005; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Ottawa,
ON, Canada, 2005; pp. 142-148.
12. Janzen, H.H.; Angers, D.A.; Boehm, M.; Bolinder, M.; Desjardins, R.L.; Dyer, J.;
Ellert, B.H.; Gibb, D.J.; Gregorich, E.G.; Helgason, B.L.; et al. A proposed approach
to estimate and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions from whole farms. Can. J. Soil
Sci. 2006, 86, 401-418.
13. Dyer, J.A.; Vergé, X.; Desjardins, R.L.; Worth, D. Long term trends in the GHG
emissions from the Canadian Dairy industry. Can. J. Soil Sci. 2008, 88, 629-639.
14. Vergé, X.P.C.; Dyer, J.A.; Desjardins, R.L.; Worth, D. Greenhouse gas emissions
from the Canadian dairy industry during 2001. Agric. Syst. 2007, 94, 683-693.
15. Vergé, X.P.C.; Dyer, J.A.; Desjardins, R.L.; Worth, D. Greenhouse gas emissions
from the Canadian pork industry. Livest. Sci. 2009, 121, 92-101.
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