Biology Reference
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Lacustrine. Having to do with a lake environment.
Leaf-mining insects. Larval insects that feed on tissues of the interior
of plant leaves.
Lemma. The lower of the paired bracts enclosing the flower of a grass.
Littoral zone. The shallow water zone near the shore of an aquatic
Meta-analysis. A statistical evaluation of the results of a series of differ-
ent scientific studies of a specific question.
Microhabitat. The specific set of physical and biotic conditions that
characterize the location occupied by individuals of a particular species.
Microsatellites. Noncoding sections of DNA in which a sequence of
one to about six nucleotides is repeated along the DNA strand.
Minisatellites. Noncoding sections of DNA in which a sequence of
about 9-100 nucleotides is repeated along the DNA strand.
Mitochondrial DNA. A circular DNA molecule found in mitochon-
dria that codes for certain enzymes and RNA molecules, as well as pos-
sessing noncoding sectors.
Multivariate analysis. Statistical analysis in which variation in a variable
of interest is examined as a function of variation in several other variables
that are thought to be influential.
Mutualism. An interaction between two or more species that is benefi-
cial to all.
Mycorrhizae. Fungi that form symbiotic associations with the roots of
higher plants.
Otoliths. Calcareous structures occurring in the inner ear of fish.
Outcrossing. Reproduction involving exchange of reproductive cells
between different individuals.
Overcompensation (for herbivory). See compensation .
Oviposition. Egg laying.
Pandemic. A disease epidemic that spreads worldwide.
Pappus. The modified calyx of individual flowers of plants of the sun-
flower family, consisting of scales, spines, or feathery bristles.
Parapatry. Occurring in adjacent geographical ranges.
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