Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
What's Involved in an Annual Exam?
A veterinarian should examine a cat annually, from the tip of his nose
to the end of his tail. Each doctor may have their own routine when
conducting a full physical exam, but the best exams are thorough
exams. A full physical exam should include:
Measurement of body weight
Measurement of body temperature
Evaluation of the eyes, ears and nose
Opening the mouth and assessing the teeth and gums
Palpation of external lymph nodes
Evaluation of the coat and skin
Evaluation of muscle tone and body condition
Listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope
Examination of the legs, paws and claws
Palpation of the abdomen
Examination of the rectum and genitalia
Examination of the tail
Depending on the individual cat and how cooperative he is and the
skill of the veterinarian, this examination can take anywhere from 2 to
10 minutes. In most situations, a veterinarian can conduct the exam
without help, but when the patient is wiggly, scared or aggressive, more
hands are needed.
When cats are hot or frightened, they are only able to sweat from
their feet, because the footpads are the only body parts that contain
moisture-secreting sweat glands. If you notice damp footprints on your
veterinarian's exam table, you will know why.
Does It Hurt?
A routine physical exam is not painful to your cat. If the cat squawks
and squirms, he is probably just resisting restraint rather than showing
discomfort.Animals who have not been fully examined before by a vet-
erinarian are generally less cooperative than those who previously have
been examined, but some cats are so frightened that they act worse at
each successive veterinary visit.
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