Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Never give a cat aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen
(Advil) or any other anti-inflammatory medication made for
humans. Cats lack the enzymes needed to metabolize these drugs,
and they can be life threatening. If your cat accidentally ingests one
of these drugs, seek veterinary care immediately.
We've come back to the issue of deciding what is normal behavior for a
cat. Each cat is an individual with unique habits and preferences. Owners
of adult cats have a good idea of what is normal for their cat when it
comes to eating, drinking, playing and sleeping; but for a new kitten
owner, these behaviors may not yet be established. Cats are creatures
of habit, so if your normally “bouncing off the walls” kitten couldn't care
less when you come home from work, he is likely not feeling well. In
general, cats who are sick become quieter than usual and keep to them-
selves or even hide.They seem as if they do not want to be bothered with
regular daily activities.
Sometimes when cats are not feeling well they become irritable. Signs
of irritability include:
Hissing or growling
Striking out with a paw or claws
Moving away from you when normally they would not
Less tolerance for other people and/or animals in the house
If your cat becomes more irritable, try to determine if he is not feel-
ing well and wants to be left alone or if the behavior change does not
have an apparent trigger. In either case, you will likely need to have the
cat examined by a veterinarian to see if a more specific cause for his
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