Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
As I mentioned in Chapter 2, cats like cow's milk but it is not good
for them, because they cannot digest it properly.There is a specially
formulated cat milk drink called Cat Sip.This product does not
contain lactose, which is the sugar in cow's milk that cats cannot
digest. Cats seem to like to drink this as a treat, but your cat
certainly doesn't need it.
The sense of taste in cats is probably more sensitive than our own.
Some researchers believe that cats like to drink out of running faucets
because they prefer fresher tasting water. If you have a cat who demands
that you to turn on the faucet, you are not alone.These cats sometimes
enjoy a running water fountain; several types are sold at pet supply
In their search for fresher water, some cats develop the unpleasant
habit of drinking out of toilet bowls.This is really dangerous if you use
the kind of toilet bowl cleaner that automatically dispenses chemicals
into your toilet water. Even if you don't, various cleaning products can
linger on the bowl, and cats can actually fall in the toilet bowl and have
a hard time getting out. To discourage this behavior, close the lids on
toilets or keep bathroom doors closed.
Some cats like to drink out of swimming pools. If your cat goes
outside it is difficult to prevent this behavior. But don't worry; the
amount of chlorine in pool water is generally not dangerous.
If you do not like the taste of your tap water, you may consider
sharing your bottled or filtered water with your cat. Bottled water is a
profitable industry, and there are companies today who are producing
“designer water” for cats. Distilled water may benefit cats who are
prone to urinary tract problems and readily form crystals in their urine.
Distilling removes the minerals that are normally present in water.
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