Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Lie low to the ground with her tail to one side and knead
with her paws.
Howl or otherwise vocalize.
Not yet allow a male to mount her.
The proestrus period enables a female cat to let males know she is
available! More information about the other stages of the feline estrous
cycle is included in Chapter 11.
A cat becomes an adult during this period. Social play decreases and the
metabolic rate slows in spayed and neutered animals.The cat must take
in fewer calories to avoid obesity, and this is achieved through a switch
to adult maintenance diets. These diets have fewer calories and more
fiber than diets for younger cats.
The immune system matures and cats have more natural ability to
fight infection. This process continues throughout adult life, but wanes
during the senior years.
A cat's personality more fully develops and is based on genetics and
earlier life experiences. Behaviors become more routine. Cats in multi-
cat households assume a position in the social hierarchy of the home.
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