Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
These three little kittens are seven-week-old littermates.
This is the earliest time for a kitten to be taken from his mother and
littermates and introduced into a new home—although it's best wait
until they are at least eight weeks old.A kitten of this age should be able
to care for his own basic needs. In a new home, a kitten may be scared
and lonely at first, but he should be able to adapt.
Maternal immunity wanes, and kittens need to begin their vaccina-
tion series to stimulate further protection against certain diseases.
Natural exposure to viruses and bacteria causes disease, but it also stim-
ulates antibody production and increases future immunity.
Kittens need the increased protein, vitamin and mineral content of
specially formulated kitten foods to support their growth and develop-
ment.They are able to consume both dry and canned kitten foods.
During this period kittens adjust to their independence and become
stronger and more curious. They grow rapidly and usually gain about
one pound per month.They begin to jump, climb and scratch. Owners
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