Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
female hormonal stimulation, male cats have nipples. If you have a male
cat with a growth near a nipple, have it examined by a veterinarian.
As with most cancers, it's important to begin treatment right away.
Surgical removal of the affected tissue and even unilateral or bilateral
radical mastectomy may be needed.The tissue should definitely be sent
for biopsy.
Your veterinarian may recommend additional chemotherapy, or
you may want to consult with a veterinary oncologist. Chemotherapy
is an aggressive approach, but it is well tolerated by most cats and may
help to preserve a good quality of life.
The conservative approach is to monitor the cat for recurrences,
and surgically remove any new lumps that develop.Taking chest X rays
every six months or so will monitor for metastasis of cancer to the
lungs. If a cat who has been previously diagnosed with breast cancer
starts to have problems coughing or breathing, there is a good chance
the cancer has spread to the lungs.
Adrenal gland disease is not common in cats, so only the basics will be
mentioned here. These glands are located near the kidneys and are
responsible for producing mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids.
Mineralocorticoids are hormones responsible for regulating sodium and
potassium balance in the body. Glucocorticoids regulate glucose, pro-
tein and fat metabolism within the body and have effects on inflamma-
tion and immune response. Small amounts of sex hormones are also
produced in the adrenal glands.
Cushing's disease is the term for hyperadrenocorticism, which is
overactive adrenal hormone production. Signs of this disease are
increased thirst, urination and appetite, hair loss, muscle weakness and
thin skin. It is diagnosed with special blood tests and ultrasound.
Treatment involves suppressing hormone production or surgically
removing an adrenal tumor, if present.
Addison's disease is the term for hypoadrenocorticism, which is
underactive adrenal hormone production. Signs of this disease are vom-
iting, diarrhea, general malaise and poor body condition. It is diagnosed
with special blood tests. Treatment involves hormone supplementation
and supportive care for shock if the condition is advanced.
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