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clean litter boxes because urine contains ammonia and cleaning that
way will simply intensify the odor.
Housing cats exclusively indoors is the best way to keep them safe.The
average expected life span of an indoor cat is 13 to 15 years, while out-
door cats may live only five to seven years. Unfortunately, cats are fas-
cinated by the outdoors and some try to sneak out at any opportunity.
Some cats like to just bathe outdoors in the sun; others like to hunt and
visit neighbors. Once a cat has had a taste of living outdoors, it is hard-
er to keep her inside, but it is possible if you are determined.
Giving cats inside window perches and plenty of interactive play-
times will help keep them stimulated and eliminate the need for them
to go outside. If you want to let a cat out, but at the same time protect
her, you can build an outdoor enclosure that is securely screened to
keep her in and to keep danger out.You might also consider training
her to walk on a leash or personally supervising her outdoors for short
periods of time.
Dangers cats face when they venture outdoors include cars, wild
animals, territorial cats, unfamiliar dogs, unkind neighbors, bad weath-
er, fleas and ticks, more risk of exposure to toxins and disease and get-
ting lost. Where I practice in Southern California, the most common
cause of death to outdoor cats is coyote attacks. If you are prepared to
Cats should always be transported inside a carrier when you travel
anywhere with them. Although the cat may cry and scratch in the
carrier, it is for her own good as well as yours.You may feel like
you have good control of the cat when you are carrying her, but if
she's startled, her claws digging into your arms may cause you to
release her.There is also danger if you are driving in your car and
the cat is not in a carrier. If you slam on the brakes and the cat
goes flying, she could end up under your feet or be injured. She
might also decide to walk in front of your face or under the brake
pedal while you are driving.
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