Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Iodine is an essential mineral for animals, including humans.There
was a time when iodine deficiency was common in humans, and
people developed goiters (swollen thyroid glands) because they did
not get enough in their diets.Today, good old table salt is iodized
and provides iodine to the body.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which glucose in the blood cannot be
properly taken up and used by the cells of the body.This is usually due
to a lack of insulin, a hormone responsible for transporting glucose into
cells.The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin.
Diabetic cats eat but are essentially starving because the glucose in
their blood cannot be used for energy.As this process continues, the ani-
mal's body condition declines. Muscle and fat are broken down for
energy—in essence, the body is eating itself—because the body is not
obtaining glucose from food.
Signs of Diabetes
The classic signs of diabetes are increased thirst, increased urination and
weight loss. Other signs that can be associated with the disease are blad-
der infection (caused by too much glucose in the urine), abnormal pos-
ture (cats get a nerve disorder that makes them walk on their heels), loss
of muscle tone and shock.
There are some drugs that can cause diabetes mellitus as a side
effect. Megestrol acetate is the most common culprit, but some cats are
sensitive to even routinely used corticosteroids. (Megestrol acetate, a
synthetic progestin, is currently not used often in feline medicine. It
can be used for behavior problems, to suppress estrus and for some der-
matological conditions, although it is not a first-choice treatment.)
Drug-induced diabetes is usually a temporary condition, but it may
need treatment for months.
Overweight, older cats are at greater risk for developing diabetes.
The disease is diagnosed by finding high levels of glucose in the blood
and urine of the affected animal. If the disease has been present but
undetected for awhile, other metabolic imbalances may also be present.
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