Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 15
Skin and Dermatology
The skin is the largest organ of any animal's body; it comprises 12 to 24
percent of a cat's body weight. It protects the cat and is responsible for
much of her external appearance. Changes in a cat's skin and haircoat
can alert an owner to health and nutrition problems.
There are many dermatological conditions that can affect cats, and
I'll discuss some of the most common in this chapter. Some feline skin
conditions are contagious to humans and other animals, and others are
not. Most skin diseases look the same regardless of the cause, so testing
and observing how the cat responds to therapy are important to mak-
ing a proper diagnosis.
We treat itchy cats just about every day at my clinic. Some cats are mild-
ly itchy, and others are miserable and scratch themselves until they are
raw. Historically, fleas have been the most common cause of itchy cats,
but with improvements in the flea-control products available today, flea
infestations can be easily controlled. (The specifics of flea control are
discussed in Chapter 8.)
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