Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
Pregnancy and Queening
Cats are very efficient at reproducing and are able to have several litters
a year with multiple kittens in each. Most cats go through puberty at
an early age—somewhere between five and nine months. Females can
be fertile for about seven years, while males may be able to reproduce
for 11 years or more.
The large numbers of feral cats (cats who have returned to a wild
existence) demonstrate that in an uncontrolled environment, cats will
keep reproducing.Today's methods of sterilization are surgical and thus
are not easily applied to the vast numbers of feral cats. Researchers are
working on new methods of feline contraception, including oral med-
ications and even vaccines. These methods will help stop kitty over-
population in the future.
Most females reach puberty around six months of age and cycle every
two weeks until they are bred or induced to ovulate. The cycle begins
with proestrus, which lasts one to three days. This is the stage when
female cats start showing they are ready to mate, but they will not yet
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