Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.4. Climate-space diagram showing temperature and solar radiation values for
coordinates within the current range distribution of elk under (a) current 1990s condi-
tions and (b) under a doubling of atmospheric CO 2 . Injurious or lethal effects would
only occur if solar radiation or temperatures fell outside the limits. Note that all the data
points lay within the thermal limit or climate envelope, implying that elk can tolerate
the direct effects of climate change.The figure also presents the indirect effects that cli-
mate change could have on the geographic range distribution of elk within the United
States. The black regions represent locations where elk currently reside and where they
are expected to reside under climate warming. The gray regions represent locations
where elk currently reside but where they could disappear under climate warming due
to loss of suitable habitat.All figures drawn using data presented in Johnston and Schmitz
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