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modern , personal and secure products. Participants within group 3 have negative
concerns regarding the reliability of new products, such as Touch & Select, Touch-
ToPrint and Badge, despite the fact that they prefer them. Such concerns are not
reported by the participants in group 1.
Fig. 2.7 Attributes (a) positively and (b) negatively ranked when TouchToPrint is preferred
(along with 95% exact confidence intervals)
To acquire richer insight into the ways in which designers and users differ we fo-
cused on a comparison between two of the six products: TouchToPrint and Badge.
These two products differed only in the mechanism that was employed for the user
identification process: a touch sensor and a sensor for an individual's badge. First,
a comparison of preference between the two products was performed. Four design-
ers and eight users preferred TouchToPrint while six designers and two users had a
preference for Badge. One designer and one user were neutral. One would expect
designers to have a strong preference for TouchToPrint since they were recently
involved in the development of this product. This was not evident though. Two pos-
sible explanations might be given: a) Badge was not yet implemented by the specific
company, therefore treated as future development by designers and thus assigning
to it greater value than to the already existing TouchToPrint or b) potential draw-
backs of TouchToPrint were only evident after use, and hence more obvious to the
designers who had actually experienced the product. The users, who had no actual
experience with TouchToPrint, seemed to value it higher than designers did.
To further understand this discrepancy between designers' and users' prefer-
ences, we analyzed their perceptions for these two products. Figure 2.7a illustrates
the reasons supporting preference for TouchToPrint over Badge, as it shows the
number of attributes that are positively ranked when TouchToPrint is preferred.
While users' most frequent reason for preference for TouchToPrint was emotional
attributes, for designers it was efficiency attributes. All attributes in the effectiveness
category were related to security. TouchToPrint was perceived as more secure than
Badge, both by designers and users. Users' most frequent negative concerns, shown
in Figure 2.7b, were related to reliability (5 out of the 7 effectiveness attributes had
to do with reliability). This is also evident in Figure 2.8 where we can observe that
only two designers expressed reliability concerns and ranked them as the 6th and
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