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car bumper) by reducing it down to the procedures, and confusing evalu-
ation (e.g. making a trade-off between sanding down all the grains and
postponing delivery, and abandoning sanding and being on time) and
counting (e.g. counting the number of grains). Yet, the economic dynamics
tend to focus increasingly on immaterial attributes. This implies that one
can no longer just measure to perform an assessment, but should mobilize
a value judgement.
Setting the organization: A relationship
with the real world
Working means being concerned with all the forms of the real world that
emerge in addition to what had been supposed, in order to cope with them
and make use of them. Managing therefore means being concerned with
events (both positive and negative) that make these forms emerge, and
with the means that allow workers to respond to them. This plurality of
the forms of the real world is truly in the real world. It is a given fact of the
situation, which cannot necessarily be programmed, but can be foreseen.
The analysis of 'real-life work' must be able to recognize work following
this goal: to describe and understand what the worker does, but also what
he cannot and does not do, what he is preventing, and what is preventing
him from doing the job, what he is making come to pass, what he is seek-
ing, what he might do, what he should be doing, etc. for the product, the
customer, the company, the world, the collective, for himself, etc.
An 'organized work' is always proposed as a response to deal with
the uncertainty to which real-life work will be confronted. But it also orga-
nizes an experience in which workers will put the limits of this response,
as they experience these limits for themselves. This will inform them that
this particular response is not a 'way out'. This experience leads work-
ers at the heart of an uncertainty that constitutes, in the end, the stake
of work itself. One might say that by choosing the risks that it decides to
protect itself from, the organization decides, at the same time, the risks it
shifts to the 'unregulated' space of real-life work.
Setting the organization: A specific
relationship with subjectivity
Two contradictory logical approaches of a service  - the service delivery
and the service relationship  - are present in real work situations. It is
therefore in the activity itself that everything is sorted, through a dimen-
sion of activity that is not well known, and yet which has always been a
component part of it: subjectivity.
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