Agriculture Reference
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activity in all tests. The extract had a stronger antinociceptive effect than morphine. Administration
of the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone completely inhibited the antinociceptive effect induced
by the extract (100 mg/kg). 550 This effect is indicative of the biochemical rationale for the probable
use of Emilia in the treatment of inflammatory hyperalgesic disorders.
Botanical Name — Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich
Synonyms — Pusaetha abyssinica (Steud. ex. A. Rich.) Kuntze, Entadopsis abyssinica (Steud.
ex A. Rich.) Gilb. & Bout.
Family — Leguminosae
African Names — Ashanti: ekur, sankwituri; Bron: sankasaa, kuboya; Dagbani: chienchienga,
zuguli-kukui; Igbo: angara-miri; Rwanda: umusange, umusangasange; Kinyamawezi: mfutambula;
Kirangi: ijwekwe; Kizinza: musangisangi; Kibende: mubunda; Kirangi: mwulamvula; Kiluguru:
mvulamvula; Kihene: mugelagela; Kinyaturu: mumbu; Musagaruzi Nandi: katutet; Sebei: mus-
iembu, masiembet; Kakamega: musamba; Bemba: mulalatanga, mulalatete; Kaonde: mukumb-
wangombe; Lozi: fumbwamusowo; Lunda: muzenze; Nyanja: chisekele, chongololo; Tonga:
musenzenze, mumnyele; Yoruba: gbengbe
Description — Entada abyssinica is a deciduous tree, 3-10 m high with flat, spreading crown.
The bark is slightly fissured and flakes off in irregular patches; the bark is gray to reddish in color,
with a pink slash with streaks of red; branchlets are pendulous, glabrous, or sometimes pubescent.
The leaves are alternate, bipinnate, with stipules absent; pinnae are 1-22 pairs, leaflets are 15-55
pairs, mostly linear-oblong, 3-14 mm long, 1-4 mm wide, with apex rounded to slightly obtuse
and slightly mucronate, appressed pubescent above and below or sometimes glabrous above, rarely
entirely glabrous; petiole is glandular. Inflorescence is 1-4 axillary racemes 7-16 cm long (includ-
ing the 0.4- to 1.5-cm peduncle). It produces cream-white, sweet-scented flowers; the fruits are large
flat legumes, 15-39 cm long, 3-9 cm wide, subcoraceous, straight or nearly so, with no apparent
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