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induced contractions on rat uterus that were antagonized by various calcium entry blockers. 316 The
cellular basis for the uterotonic activity of the plant extract appeared to be complex and probably
involves mechanisms including calcium mobilization from both intra- and extracellular compart-
ments and activation of phospholipase C through a G-protein. 316
The β-amyrin-rich extracts of B. ferruginea leaves possess antioxidant and cytotoxic activi-
ties. 317 Intraperitoneal administration of aqueous extract of B. ferruginea at the dose of 10 mg/kg
produced a significant increase in urinary excretion of creatinine ( p < 0.01 compared to a control)
and creatinine clearance in rats. The urinary urea and plasma urea were not affected by the extract,
whereas urinary urea and urea clearance were affected by furosemide used as an active control. 318
Its wound-healing property has been established by laboratory studies, as evidenced by its antibac-
terial, 319 -321 antioxidant, and fibroblast growth stimulation activity of the crude extracts. 322
B. ferriginea has been evaluated for its anti-inflammatory activity, 323 and its anti-inflammatory
activity has been linked to possible involvement of the suppression of TNF-α upregulation based on
results from tests in models that are mediated by TNF-α. The effect of the extract on LPS-induced
septic shock was determined by measuring the number of deaths and the levels of serum alanine
and aspartate aminotransferases following intraperitoneal injection of LPS (1 µg/kg) into d-galac-
tosamine-primed mice. LPS-induced vascular permeability on the back skin of mice was measured
by the local accumulation of Evan's blue after subcutaneous injection of LPS. Pretreatment with
Bridelia ferruginea extract (10-80 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the septic shock
syndrome in mice, with 80 mg/kg of the extract exhibiting comparable activity as pentoxifylline
(100 mg/kg). LPS-induced dye leakage in the skin of mice was also suppressed by the extract
(10 -80 mg/ kg). 318
Botanical Name — Bryophylum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken
Synonyms — B. calycinum Salisb., Cotyledon pinnata Lam., Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.,
Vereia pinnata ( La m.)., Sedum madacasriense Clus., Kalanchoe floripendula Steud., Kalanchoe
calycinum Salisb., Crassuvia floripenula Comm., Cotyledon rhizophylla Roxb.
Family — Crassulaceae
Common Names — Never die, wonder of the world, leaf of life
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