Chemistry Reference
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For a given protein concentration both R a and M a increase with increasing
salt concentration. The range of salt concentrations that can be investigated
with cross-correlation DLS is rather limited, however, because the gels become
rapidly too turbid. The range can be extended using turbidimetry. The turbidity
t is directly related to the structure factor S(q)by
t ¼ K 0 CM a Z
2 p
S ð q Þð 1 þ cos 2 y Þ sin y d y d j ;
ð 5 Þ
where K 0 is an optical constant. 28 If S(q) is known, M a and R a can be calculated
from the wavelength dependence of t . It turns out that the structure factor of
globular protein gels in the q-range relevant for the turbidity can be well
described by Equation (4) (replacing R gz with R a ), so that an analytical
expression for t can be derived. 28
We have recently carried out a systematic study of the turbidity for b-LG gels
as a function of pH and ionic strength. 33 The values of M a and R a were derived
from the wavelength dependence using Equations (4) and (5). Figure 11(a) shows
M a of b-LG gels formed at pH ¼ 7withC ¼ 100gL 1 as a function of the
concentration of added NaCl. Small values of M a characteristic of transparent
samples were obtained using light-scattering measurements. The value of M a was
found to increase exponentially with the ionic strength between 0 and 200 mM.
At higher salt concentrations, the transmission became less than a few percent
even if we used path lengths of 1 mm, and M a could no longer be determined
accurately. (The upper limit of the turbidity that could be determined accurately
20 cm 1 .) The dependence of M a on pH plotted in Figure 11(b) shows a
strong increase of M a with decreasing pH starting at pH ¼ 6. We find that
M a increases slightly more strongly than R a , which is to be expected because,
10 11
10 11
10 10
10 10
10 9
10 9
10 8
10 8
10 7
10 7
10 6
10 6
10 5
10 5
10 4
10 4
C NaCl (mol/L)
Figure 11 Dependence of apparent molar mass M a on (a) NaCl concentration at pH ¼ 7
and (b) pH in absence of added salt, for gels formed by extensive heating of
b -LG solutions at C ¼ 100 g L 1 . (Taken from ref. 33.)
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