Chemistry Reference
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26. A. Lucero, M.R. Rodrı´ guez Nin˜ o, C. Carrera, P.A. Gunning, A.R. Mackie
and J.M. Rodrı´ guez Patino, in Food Colloids: Interactions, Microstructure
and Processing, E. Dickinson (ed), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,
2005, p. 160.
27. P.A. Gunning, A.R. Mackie, A.P. Gunning, N.C. Woodward, P.J. Wilde
and V.J. Morris, Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5, 984.
28. C. Lucero, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Seville, 2005.
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