Chemistry Reference
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charge-induced-charge interactions. Note also that h Z 2 i
h Z i 2 . If the mole-
cules are identical, i.e., h Z A i¼h Z B i¼h Z i , then the expression simplifies to
A ð R Þ= kT l B hi 2
R l B
2R 2
Z 2 hi 2
ð 14 Þ
2 þ 2 hi 2
Z 2 hi 2
If pH ¼ pI, then we have h Z 0, and the induced charge-induced charge
interaction becomes the leading term,
A ð R Þ l B Z 2 2
2R 2
ð 15 Þ
The above equations show that the fluctuating charge of a protein or macro-
molecule may under certain circumstances contribute significantly to the net
interaction. We can define a 'charge polarizability' or a capacitance, C,as
C ¼ Z 2 hi 2 :
ð 16 Þ
With this definition of the capacitance, Equation (13) can be rewritten in a
more compact form,
l B
2R 2
A ð R Þ= kT l B Z hi Z hi
C A C B þ C A Z h 2 þ C B Z h 2
ð 17 Þ
We can use general electrostatic equations and relate the capacitance to the
charge induced by a potential DF, i.e.,
Z ind ¼ Ce D F
ð 18 Þ
The capacitance C can also be derived from the experimental titration curve.
The ionization degree a for a single titrating acid can be found in any
elementary physical chemistry textbook:
1 a pH :
log K ¼ log
ð 19 Þ
Taking the derivative of a with respect to pH gives
d a
d ð pH Þ ¼ a ð 1 a Þ¼ C ln10 ;
ð 20 Þ
where in the second step we have identified the capacitance defined in Equa-
tion (16). We can obtain an approximate value for the capacitance in a protein
assuming that there is no interaction between the titrating sites. Any pro-
tein contains several titrating groups, like aspartic acid, glutamic acid,
histidine, etc., each with an ideal pK value. Denoting different titrating groups
with subscript g and their number with n g , the total capacitance can be
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